You have a goal in mind, and that’s about it. Creating, working towards, and reaching goals is not easy, plus the journey is different for everyone.
When you define these the 3 W’s, it will keep you moving toward it without losing sight of the big picture.
What would you love? Be specific. Write down precisely what you would love in your life. It will give you the power and mental focus needed to achieve your goal. Writing out your plan also has the added benefit of making your dream “real” in your mind.
When do you want to achieve your goal? Setting a time frame helps you plan the milestones needed along the way and puts a time limit on them. Keep track and measure your progress. This will help when you feel like you’re not making any progress and review to see how far you’ve come.
Why do you want to do it? Your why is your everything. Your reason why should be personal and not something you will be easily swayed from. Having a strong why will also come in handy when you lack external support. Having a reliable support system of family and friends makes achieving any goal more effortless. Still, sometimes you won’t have that backing.
Now You have the What, When, and the Why.
Write down each of these and revisit the W’s when times get tough. You should especially review your Why daily.
It will remind you why you started, why you continue, and what is waiting for you at the end.
You got this!